I'm really liking Simple Plan's newest Album, Taking One For the Team. Hopefully one day soon I'll get to enjoy them live!
Anyway, today's song was chosen as today is going to be a very long day and night for me. Just over 9 years ago, I went unresponsive in my mom's arms for 6 hours. The doctors could poke me with needles and run instruments over my feet, and I wouldn't move a muscle. I eventually came out of it, and after several EEG's (electro-encephelogram) to measure my brain activity, I was given the diagnosis of epilepsy. I really have a mixed bag when it comes to my seizures - I have temporal lobe seizures where I have odd physical feelings and I keep repeating the same word/phrase over and over. I have occipital lobe seizures where I get visual distortions. It's really not that great of a feeling when suddenly the room feels like something right out of Alice in Wonderland. I have absence seizures where I'll briefly "drift-away" and quickly snap back. Sometimes it makes people feel like I'm ignoring them when I don't immediately respond, so while they might be really quick seizures, they're not so great for the social skills, or receiving instructions, etc. Finally I have a few tonic-clonic seizures which is where my body can become rigid, shaky, I start to roll my tongue around in my cheek, I might arch my back so much that I could potentially go into the yoga bridge pose. Thankfully, these ones are few and far between.
In May, I'll come up to the 2 year seizure free while on medication mark. After 9 years, this is a huge deal! To celebrate, my neurologist is going to start reducing my seizure medications. But first, there's a test that I must pass.
Tomorrow I'm going for a sleep-deprived EEG. Because of my age, I need to be awake for the 24 hour time period before the test. When the body is heavily sleep-deprived there is more of a chance for triggering seizure activity. For a kid like me, who feels like going to bed by the time early evening comes around, this is going to be a challenge to stay awake! It's going to be a long day and night for sure! Thankfully I have my new Simple Plan CD and all my other favourites to keep me company overnight :)
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